1. Writing Fuel: What do you eat/drink while
Lots of water & ginger ale, and the once-in-a-while fancy drink. I
like to eat cookie dough bites and peppermints, and popcorn.. :P
2. Write Sounds: What do you listen to while
3. Write Vice: What’s your most debilitating
The internet, loads of books, and self-doubt.
4. Write Horror: What’s the worst thing that’s
ever happened to you while writing?
Before I discovered the saviors that are google docs and flash drives, I saved my files in random email drafts and in folders on my laptop. But, I’ve had terrible luck with laptops due to my own mistakes and other peoples’ spilling drinks on it, so I had to literally restart my laptop a bunch of times and bawl my eyes out until I realize that I outline a lot on paper. Though, somehow I manage to ruin or loose the papers from moving everywhere and the bawling continued till I kept everything by my side and not let people touch my shit... So save & watch your work people: paper and files.. Watch them like a hawk.. >_>
5. Write Joy: What’s the best thing that’s
ever happened while writing or how do you celebrate small victories?
I managed to complete the first draft to my first
full-length novel back in late ’13 and managed to win my first ever NaNoWriMo
with its rewrite last November. ^-^ It made me happy to see that I can be the
writer I’ve always dreamt of being. As a reward, I did buy the scrivener
program for my laptop and give the amazing parents, boyfriend, and Cheshire cat
the good news. (Only a couple of people I’ve met in college were happy for me,
otherwise I just worked on homework soon after I won the event.)
6. Write Crew: Who do you communicate with or
not communicate with while writing?
I always communicate with my Cheshire Cat Greg. He’s the
brother I’ve never had despite the fact we only met back in late 2011. We
support each other as writers, siblings, and friends. I’m glad he understands
the depressing self-doubt we both develops while writing because writing can be
lonely. If people like myself ever needs that support system, he is literally
the best person with his honesty and encouragement. He’s also a great person to
discuss ideas with and will agree with the blood and gore things.. hehehe. I
also talk to my boyfriend when I need the emotional encouragement when facing
reality when not writing. He’s my purple rock to my craziness and I love how he
can be logical when we discuss things even though I don’t agree to it
sometimes. Plus I can hit him with pillows and he won’t yell at me. He’s not a
writer like my Cheshire cat, but he’s always there for me when I need him for
hugs and anime time. He also cooks really good food like my dad, yay food! :P
7. Write Secret: What’s your writing secret to
success or hidden flaw?
I have a secret?? Um, I guess my secret would be to blast
music in my room and pretend that I’m living in my characters’ world to
understand the scenes they want in the story. Sometimes I would act them out in
private, but I guess I’ve been caught a couple of times in the act and have
been accused of having schizophrenia when I don’t have it at all. I encountered
to many idiots in my lifetime..
8. Write-spiration: What always makes you
I constantly wear my grandfather’s navy tag as a necklace so
it brings me good luck. I carry notebooks and my pencil bag for motivation when
I’m not in my room. And I also create playlists of music to get things rolling.
(Also staying up really late doesn’t kill 40% of the time haha)
9. Write Peeve: What’s one thing writers do
(or you do) that’s annoying?
I find it annoying when writers are arrogant in a negative
way. They act like hot shots when they’re not. If the story is good, it’s good.
But, if they’re popular based on the constant pushing of getting others to read
their books instead of their actual writing, and then forget it. Learn how to
support other writers instead of going, ‘oh he/she sucks, don’t read their
story. READ my stories instead.’ It doesn’t help others get that positive vibe
to continue writing. I get you have to promote yourself and your stories, but
it doesn’t help to support others too.
10. Write words: Share one sentence from a
project. Past or Present
Aww do I have too?? Um, okay I guess. It’s from a short
story I started planning yesterday called “December
Wind”. Enjoy. :P
‘There was a time when
I thought snow used to meant peace and tranquil. With tiny speckles of it
gently falling into the blanket around my home and the call for hot chocolate
was stronger than ever. Instead, when I met Nic in the depths of the woods
soaked in unfamiliar red liquid, it made me realize just maybe the December
snow was also filled with oblivious despair.'
Okay guys, so that was writer's life tag. I tag all of those who haven't done this tag yet and enjoy yourselves. Till next time guys, happy howling! :)