Hey guys, its that time of the month again! Today let's discuss our wrap up for the month of August. I'll be honest, since I started working, I didn't do a lot of reading. But during the booktube-a-thon, I'd read all of the seven books during that week, so maybe that's okay I guess. Who truly knows.. Anyway, let's get down to the wrap up shall we??
Total number of books: 9 (yeah.. the majority of it was only the booktube-a-thon books.. I blame reality aka work..)
1. Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas. This book was hands down one of the best books I've ever read this year. I gave it a 5/5 stars on good reads. I highly recommend the Throne of Glass series if you want a kick ass female protagonist and high fantasy in your life.
2. A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas. This was a re-read for me, but overall I fell in love with it completely. 5/5 stars.
3. The Game by Terry Schott. It wasn't one of my favorites of this year, but it was decent read. I gave it a 3.5/5 stars on good reads, but I probably won't be reading the rest of the series anytime soon.
4. The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum. This was my third time re-reading this book, and I still love it to this day. I expressed my absolute love for the entire trilogy on my birthday post for you guys. 5/5 stars in my personal opinion.
5. Fairest by Marissa Meyer. It was a fast read for the booktube-a-thon. I loved learning about the Queen's past even though I was a little spoiled for the third book Cress. I gave this book a 4/5 stars on good reads.
6. The Titan's Curse by Rick Roridan. This book is the third book of the Percy Jackson series. I did enjoy the book overall, but it felt flat in certain parts because I personally thought some actions were repeating over and over again like in the other two books. I gave this book a 4/5 stars on good reads, so I'm going to continue on with the series soon. :)
7. Forsaken Dreamscape by Lani Lenore. The continuation of the Nevermor trilogy and one of my highly faves in the trilogy world. I loved the overall dark tone within the Peter Pan re-telling and the story was so compelling in general. This book was given a 5/5 stars on my good reads.
8. The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. I finally finished the trilogy and I really want to get the box set for myself so I don't have to read these books on my nook. I adored this psychological elements within the plot and the characters were crazy in a way I simply can't help but love to death. I gave this book a 4.5/5 stars on good reads even though I know there are mixed emotions about the trilogy in general all over the book community. :)
and finally 9. The Murder Complex by Lindsey Cummings. This book was a quick and enjoyable read. I want to read the next book when I do get the chance too, but for now I cannot because I have to deal with school. (boo). I gave this book a 4/5 stars on good reads because I thought this book was decent for those who are just getting into dystopian fiction and the idea of the story seemed very fresh for a 'debut' novel.
Okay guys that was the wrap for the month of August. I will be back with the TBR list for the month of September and new reviews on random books! Stay tune and remember, happy howling!!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Book Review: Twixt

Twixt written by Sarah Diemer
Release date: April 16th, 2013 (first published on April 1st, 2013)
Publisher: Self published/Indie
Format of Novel: E-book
Rating: 4.5 out of five stars
Summary (from good reads):
You wake upon the cold ground. As you struggle to rise, as your breath exhales like a ghost, you know only two things: You can’t remember who you are. And you’re being hunted.
No one sleeps in Abeo City. The lost souls gather indoors at night as Snatchers tear through the sky on black-feathered wings, stalking them. But inside the rotting walls of the Safe Houses comes a quieter, creeping danger. The people of Abeo City have forgotten their pasts, and they can trade locks of their hair to sinister women known only as the Sixers for an addictive drug. Nox will give you back a single memory--for a price.
Like the other lost souls, Lottie wakens in this harsh landscape and runs in terror from the Snatchers. But she soon comes to realize that she is not at all like the people of Abeo City. When she takes Nox, her memories remain a mystery, and the monsters who fill the sky at night refuse to snatch her. Trying to understand who she is, and how she ended up in such a hopeless place, Lottie bands together with other outcasts, including a brave and lovely girl named Charlie. In the darkness, and despite the threat of a monstrous end, love begins to grow. But as Lottie and Charlie plot their escape from Abeo City, Lottie’s dark secrets begin to surface, along with the disturbing truth about Twixt: a truth that could cost her everything.
No one sleeps in Abeo City. The lost souls gather indoors at night as Snatchers tear through the sky on black-feathered wings, stalking them. But inside the rotting walls of the Safe Houses comes a quieter, creeping danger. The people of Abeo City have forgotten their pasts, and they can trade locks of their hair to sinister women known only as the Sixers for an addictive drug. Nox will give you back a single memory--for a price.
Like the other lost souls, Lottie wakens in this harsh landscape and runs in terror from the Snatchers. But she soon comes to realize that she is not at all like the people of Abeo City. When she takes Nox, her memories remain a mystery, and the monsters who fill the sky at night refuse to snatch her. Trying to understand who she is, and how she ended up in such a hopeless place, Lottie bands together with other outcasts, including a brave and lovely girl named Charlie. In the darkness, and despite the threat of a monstrous end, love begins to grow. But as Lottie and Charlie plot their escape from Abeo City, Lottie’s dark secrets begin to surface, along with the disturbing truth about Twixt: a truth that could cost her everything.
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I've always wanted to read this book, but never could till I finally downloaded it on my nook during the holidays. What got me attached to the story was the plot. As soon you read it, you just feel the chills riding down your spine. Right away, us as the readers get to witness the protagonist waking up in this unknown yet increasingly dark world, filled with mysterious creatures known as the 'snatchers'. Once she arrives at the lone city of Abeo within the world of Twixt, she gets to meets all these new people who are just like her. Alone and without their memories.
I enjoyed the overall concept of the world building, the Sixers, and the snatchers. They brought the creepiness into the plot and I was excited to keep on going with the book. Another thing that I found interesting was Nox. Its this very powerful drug that allows you to see a single memory if you give up a lock of hair. I found this idea to being semi-cliché, but the overall idea seems pretty awesome as a whole.
Sarah Diemer's writing in this book was beautiful and lyrical. It had a flow that was balanced and perfect enough to grasps the eerie tone that evolve throughout the story. I also did love Lottie as a person. Her character reminded me of the main character from the Maze Runners series. Both become overly curious about their past and their surroundings, and apparently putting their new friends in massive amounts of danger. Plus the romance she developed with Charlie is so freaking adorable! (Yes this story is part of the LBGT romance concept). Speaking of Charlie, oh she was a fantastic bonus to the story. She had that 'kick-ass' heroine in her, but unlike a lot of female heroes, she did have a certain venerability that makes you relate to her even more. (Minus the fact she has no memory of her past).
I really wish I can spoil every detail of this wonderful story, but I cannot. Its fast paced, the characters are realistic and the world of Twixt is wonderfully creepy, especially for the upcoming Halloween season.
I enjoyed the overall concept of the world building, the Sixers, and the snatchers. They brought the creepiness into the plot and I was excited to keep on going with the book. Another thing that I found interesting was Nox. Its this very powerful drug that allows you to see a single memory if you give up a lock of hair. I found this idea to being semi-cliché, but the overall idea seems pretty awesome as a whole.
Sarah Diemer's writing in this book was beautiful and lyrical. It had a flow that was balanced and perfect enough to grasps the eerie tone that evolve throughout the story. I also did love Lottie as a person. Her character reminded me of the main character from the Maze Runners series. Both become overly curious about their past and their surroundings, and apparently putting their new friends in massive amounts of danger. Plus the romance she developed with Charlie is so freaking adorable! (Yes this story is part of the LBGT romance concept). Speaking of Charlie, oh she was a fantastic bonus to the story. She had that 'kick-ass' heroine in her, but unlike a lot of female heroes, she did have a certain venerability that makes you relate to her even more. (Minus the fact she has no memory of her past).
I really wish I can spoil every detail of this wonderful story, but I cannot. Its fast paced, the characters are realistic and the world of Twixt is wonderfully creepy, especially for the upcoming Halloween season.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Book Review: Heir of Fire

Heir of Fire (TOG #3) Written by: Sarah J. Maas
Release Date: 9/2/2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury's Children
Format of Novel: Hardcover
Rating: 4.8/5 stars
Rating: 4.8/5 stars
Summary (from good reads):
She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.
Celaena Sardothien has survived deadly contests and shattering heartbreak—but at an unspeakable cost. Now she must travel to a new land to confront her darkest truth...a truth about her heritage that could change her life—and her future—forever.
Meanwhile, brutal and monstrous forces are gathering on the horizon, intent on enslaving her world. To defeat them, Celaena must find the strength to not only fight her inner demons but to battle the evil that is about to be unleashed.
Celaena Sardothien has survived deadly contests and shattering heartbreak—but at an unspeakable cost. Now she must travel to a new land to confront her darkest truth...a truth about her heritage that could change her life—and her future—forever.
Meanwhile, brutal and monstrous forces are gathering on the horizon, intent on enslaving her world. To defeat them, Celaena must find the strength to not only fight her inner demons but to battle the evil that is about to be unleashed.
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I know I'm super, super late with this review. Is work even a valid excuse for you guys? Probably not.. I know. But, when you're helping out with opening a Halloween store at a fast pace, you just can't help, but avoid the computer (or in my case, my mother's computer). So now I have a little bit of time, I shall review Heir of Fire.So Heir of Fire, what a crazy load of a book right? I mean, you have Celaena recovering from the last bit from the last book. However, in this case, you get to explore Celaena's true history as a Fae and her family. To me personally, this book was more on the 'check point' level rather than the actual plot. I loved the characters that were introduced like Rowan. Rowan was a beautiful addition to the hotness of the gentlemen in the series. He felt perfect for Celaena with naturalness into him. You know what I mean? Sure he's older, but he's able to relate to Celaena on a more deeper level than both Carol and Dorian since after all he is a fae warrior. Speaking of which, let's discuss them now.
The prince and captain are rekindling their friendship after Dorian found out about the secrets Carol and Celaena were keeping from him. I didn't feel that they were that important to the book, but once the scenes between them kept going, I grew loved them a lot more because I started to root for them. It added on to them being loyal to Celaena and figuring out a way to stop the king on the down low. Plus the 'cliffhanger' before the final bits with Rowan and Celaena, holy shit I wanted to throw my book and cry in the corner. It was completely heartbreaking!
With the new character Manon, I felt that she wasn't necessary for the few chapters in the book, but at the same time I do. Its mixed I know, but hear me out. I think Manon is going to be a huge part for the last three books with her partner-in-crime. The idea of her becoming stronger is more aggressive unlike Celaena. It made me wonder if I was seeing a mirror version of our favorite heroine here. I don't know, that could just me rambling here, but you never know right? In a literary sense, the author did a good job creating the foreshadowing, but I wish I could've understand more about her other than her feeling the pressures of being the heir to her clan and her new rider.
All in all, this story was great like the rest of the series, slow but wonderfully written and exciting. I rated this 5 stars on good reads and just like the rest of you, I'm dying to get my hands on the next one. See you guys soon with a new review, happy howling!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Book Sacrifice Tag
Happy Saturday people! Today let's do something fun that I found on youtube. It is the "Book Sacrifice" Tag created by the lovely Ariel Bissett over at her you tube channel!(https://www.youtube.com/user/ArielBissett)
RULES: Just literally pick a book that you are willing to sacrifice in each scenario!
(Please note: These picks are my personal choices, just because I picked these books doesn't mean I want to stab the authors or burn the books to ashes. I do like some of the books on this list, but I'm going to express my opinion over them).
1) An Over-Hyped book: Let's start this off with a Zombie Apocalypse! Let's say you're in a book store, just browsing, when BAM! ZOMBIE ATTACK. An announcement comes over the PA System saying that the military has discovered that the zombies' only weakness is over-hyped books. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you really hated do you start chucking at the zombies knowing that it will count as an over-hyped book and successfully wipe them out?!
Don't kill me, but I'm picking City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Specifically the movie that was made back in 2013. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the series I really do. However, I'm not overly obsess with the series like others are in a positive way. Maybe it's because the movie ruined my absolute love for the books, but then again its also probably because I haven't read them in a while. The books are great in their own way and I want to marathon the entire series once I get them all, but the movie ruined the fandom for me..
2) A Sequel: Let's say you've just left the salon with a SMASHING new haircut and BOOM: Torrential downpour. What sequel are you willing to use as an umbrella to protect yourself?
Torn by Amanda Hocking. Her Tryllie trilogy was okay in my opinion, but the sequel was too much of an annoyance for me. The trilogy as a whole should've been a one large novel instead of the trilogy. Take it from someone that already possesses the bind up of a the trilogy itself.. aii
3) A Classic: Let's say you're in a lecture and your English teacher is going on and on about how this classic changed the world, how it revolutionized literature and you get so sick of it that you chuck the classic right at his face because you know what? This classic is stupid and it's worth detention just to show everyone how you feel! What Classic did you chuck?
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I hate this book with a fiery passion like people hate Catcher in the Rye and Romeo & Juliet. I understand the significance of the book and the adventure with Huck and Jim endure. But, the dialect was too much for me and it ruined my love for learning to close read books in college for me. I will be very happy to burn this one too..
4) Your least favorite book of life!: Let's say that you're hanging out at the library when BAM global warming explodes and the world outside becomes a frozen wasteland. You're trapped and your only chance for survival is to burn a book. What is the book you first run to, your least favorite book of all life, what book do you not fully regret lighting?
Blue Moon by Alyson Noel. This was the first ever book I had to not finish. I hated it within fifty pages in when I first got. I enjoyed the first one when I was fifteen, but when I grabbed this one, I hated it and threw it across my room. Same thing happened to me when I read the second book to the "House of Night" series. But then again, I blame the 'Evermore' series for getting me into a reading slump for a few months so I might pick up the House of Night series again soon.
Okay guys, this was the book sacrifice tag and I tag all of you since you read this haha. I hope you didn't feel offended by my choices, if I did I'm sorry. What are your choices for these particular outcomes? Tell me on the comments below and I'll be back soon with the Heir of Fire book review this coming weekend. Happy Howling!
Friday, August 21, 2015
Book Review: The Murder Complex
The Murder Complex: Written by Lindsey Cummings
Release Date: June 10th, 2014
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Format of Novel: Nook
Summary (From goodreads): Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.
The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?
Rating: 4.2/5 stars on good reads
Release Date: June 10th, 2014
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Format of Novel: Nook
Summary (From goodreads): Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.
The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?
Rating: 4.2/5 stars on good reads
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Normally I would post the cover on here, but the website or my mother's laptop is being odd so this blog is the first without a photo. Sorry in advance! I also know that I haven't been around to post reviews, work have been confusing and I got suck into the writing world for a few days. Now on to the review. The Murder Complex was fast paced, especially when I read it for the booktube-a-thon. I enjoyed the idea Lindsey Cummings came up with in terms of the world building and sci-fi elements that adapted into Meadow and Zephyr's world. The characters Meadow and Zephyr were pretty cool, but in a dystopian novel, they seemed pretty typical. Almost like in my eyes, Day and June from the Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu with Meadow being the trained assassin and Day being the 'rebel' so to speak.
The twists Lindsey had in the first book were somewhat predicable if you close read it in a way, but I enjoyed them. They were fitting for the corrupted world in the novel and executed very well. I also enjoyed the pacing considering that the chapters between the two narrators were very short. It was balanced and not really annoying to the point you just wanted to kick someone in the face. It matched the tone of the story and the action scenes that went on throughout the story.
This story was an interesting read overall, but it wasn't my top favorites of this year. Only because I felt it being very similar to the Legend trilogy (minus the world setting of the story). I will be continuing the series when I can, but this author is a sweet woman and her you tube video are hilarious if you are looking for something to watch when sitting around. Check out this book if you are just beginning to jump on the dystopian train. Happy howling everyone!
This story was an interesting read overall, but it wasn't my top favorites of this year. Only because I felt it being very similar to the Legend trilogy (minus the world setting of the story). I will be continuing the series when I can, but this author is a sweet woman and her you tube video are hilarious if you are looking for something to watch when sitting around. Check out this book if you are just beginning to jump on the dystopian train. Happy howling everyone!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Top Ten Tuesday: Auto-buy Authors 2015
It's time, time for a Top Ten! So this is from the lovely creator of "The Broke and the Bookish" blog and this one is pretty much self explained if you guys read the title of this entry above. Basically, I have to reveal to you lots about my top ten auto-buy authors and the reason behind them. It is a fun and simple list, so let's get start shall we??
10. Michelle Hodkin: I fell in love with her Mara Dyer trilogy and the way she was able to bring out the psychological aspect into full effect. I really want to read more books from her.
9. Patrick Ness: I loved his A Monster Calls book so much and I'm just beginning to read his Chaos Walking Trilogy. His writing style is interesting and I'm just ready to dive right into the trilogy with a positive attitude.
8. Ransom Riggs: Simply because his debut trilogy Miss Peregrine's Pecular Children is one of the best trilogies I've ever read. The characters were fresh, the concept with the photos were well researched and nicely added into the book, and overall, Tim Burton is directing the movie for this series!
7. Maggie Stiefvater: I love her Raven Cycle series. Her writing style is unique and her characters from that series are weird in the most wonderful way. Although I am not a fan of her The Wolves of Mercy Falls series, I will continue to read more books from her in the near future. :D
6. Lani Lenore: She is an amazing writer, her Nevermor Trilogy and Nutcracker Bleed books were fantastic with the world building and characters. Plus, she can write horror and make it realistic-- its awesome.
5. Cassandra Clare: Simply its because of her Mortal Instruments series. I'm planning on binging on the entire series when I'm able to get all of the six books to it. Plus, the Infernal Devices is one of my favorite trilogies.
4. Marissa Meyer: I loved her Lunar Chronicles and just like everyone else; I'm dying to read Winter. She just has a interesting way of creating adventure and characters that are diversely interesting in their own way. And also, Levana is a bitch. Just saying.
3. Susan Dennard: Even though I haven't finished her Something Strange and Deadly trilogy yet, I'm still edging to buy all of her books when they come out (especially Truthwitch) because Susan Dennard is an amazing person and a great helping in the writing community.
2. Alexandra Bracken: I loved, loved, loved her Darkest Minds trilogy. This trilogy was one of the most beautifully written trilogies I've ever read, and I literally cried when reading these books. I look forward to watching the movies when they come out!
and finally 1. Sarah J. Maas: From the moment I discovered her on fiction press, the more she inspired me to write again. I love her writing, her determination, and everything about her as a person. She is simply amazing and a wonderful writer. She and Susan Dennard are literally two of the few writing heroes I have to this day. Read her books people, they are great!
Okay everyone, this was the list of my ten auto-buy authors. I hope you all enjoy and tell me who are on your auto-buy author's list. :P Happy Howling!
10. Michelle Hodkin: I fell in love with her Mara Dyer trilogy and the way she was able to bring out the psychological aspect into full effect. I really want to read more books from her.
9. Patrick Ness: I loved his A Monster Calls book so much and I'm just beginning to read his Chaos Walking Trilogy. His writing style is interesting and I'm just ready to dive right into the trilogy with a positive attitude.
8. Ransom Riggs: Simply because his debut trilogy Miss Peregrine's Pecular Children is one of the best trilogies I've ever read. The characters were fresh, the concept with the photos were well researched and nicely added into the book, and overall, Tim Burton is directing the movie for this series!
7. Maggie Stiefvater: I love her Raven Cycle series. Her writing style is unique and her characters from that series are weird in the most wonderful way. Although I am not a fan of her The Wolves of Mercy Falls series, I will continue to read more books from her in the near future. :D
6. Lani Lenore: She is an amazing writer, her Nevermor Trilogy and Nutcracker Bleed books were fantastic with the world building and characters. Plus, she can write horror and make it realistic-- its awesome.
5. Cassandra Clare: Simply its because of her Mortal Instruments series. I'm planning on binging on the entire series when I'm able to get all of the six books to it. Plus, the Infernal Devices is one of my favorite trilogies.
4. Marissa Meyer: I loved her Lunar Chronicles and just like everyone else; I'm dying to read Winter. She just has a interesting way of creating adventure and characters that are diversely interesting in their own way. And also, Levana is a bitch. Just saying.
3. Susan Dennard: Even though I haven't finished her Something Strange and Deadly trilogy yet, I'm still edging to buy all of her books when they come out (especially Truthwitch) because Susan Dennard is an amazing person and a great helping in the writing community.
2. Alexandra Bracken: I loved, loved, loved her Darkest Minds trilogy. This trilogy was one of the most beautifully written trilogies I've ever read, and I literally cried when reading these books. I look forward to watching the movies when they come out!
and finally 1. Sarah J. Maas: From the moment I discovered her on fiction press, the more she inspired me to write again. I love her writing, her determination, and everything about her as a person. She is simply amazing and a wonderful writer. She and Susan Dennard are literally two of the few writing heroes I have to this day. Read her books people, they are great!
Okay everyone, this was the list of my ten auto-buy authors. I hope you all enjoy and tell me who are on your auto-buy author's list. :P Happy Howling!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Book Review: Crown of Midnight

Crown of Midnight (TOG#2) written by Sarah J. Maas
Release Date: August 27th, 2013
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Format of Novel: Hardcover
Summary (from good reads): From the Throne of glass rules a king with a fist of iron & a sol as black as pitch. Assassin Celaena Sardothien won a brutal contest to become his champion. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown. She hides her secret vigilantly; she knows that the man she serves is bent on evil.
Keeping up the deadly charade becomes increasingly difficult when Celaena realizes she is not the only one seeking justice. As she tries to untangle the mysteries buried deep within the glass castle, her closet relationships suffer. It seems no one is above questioning her allegiances--not the Crown Prince Dorian; not Chaol, the Captain of the Guard; not even her best friend, Nehemia, a foreign princess with a rebel heart.
Then on terrible night, the secrets they have all been keeping lead to an unspeakable tragedy. As Celaena's world shatters, she will be forced to give up the very thing most precious to her & decide once and for all where her true loyalties lie.. and whom she is ultimately willingly to fight for.
(Minor spoilers in this review)
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Crown of Midnight started a little after the events of Throne of Glass with Celaena becoming the champion and carrying on her majesty's role to kill upon command. Let me tell you, I was in love with this book just like the first book and the prequel bind up "Assassin Blade" with all of the action packed fights, the growing characters, and the mystery of the far lore. The story was in my opinion the actual start of this epic six book series. The first book felt more like an intro novel by revealing the important players and the concept of the world Sarah J. Maas created for her debut.
With this book, it was more plot driven with new mysteries and growing development. I was happily cheering when Celaena and Chaol got together. I thought their romance was sweet while it lasted and when the big climax moment happened, I was heartbroken. I was hoping that they would have a long relationship, but maybe they will reunite as mates in the next few books. The fact that we see Celaena becoming more vulnerable with her new friends, it was clear to see that she was human too instead of some powerful assassin that Maas portrays her to be throughout the book.
The other parts with Dorian and the witches were also a nice touch. I really wish I can say more about it, but I don't want to spoiler so much of this wonderful book. Especially the ending, it was a 'holy shit' moment, but it was a little noticeable if you do some close reading. Above all, this book was great just like the first one. Sarah J. Maas did a fantastic job in blending everything together and getting the ball rolling for the plot to thicken for Heir of Fire.
The other parts with Dorian and the witches were also a nice touch. I really wish I can say more about it, but I don't want to spoiler so much of this wonderful book. Especially the ending, it was a 'holy shit' moment, but it was a little noticeable if you do some close reading. Above all, this book was great just like the first one. Sarah J. Maas did a fantastic job in blending everything together and getting the ball rolling for the plot to thicken for Heir of Fire.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Book Review: Forsaken Dreamscape
Forsaken Dreamscape (Nevermor #2) by Lani Lenore
Release Date:
Format of Novel:
Summary (from goodreads): Four years have passed since Wren left Nevermor – since Rifter promised that he wouldn’t forget her. Now 19, Wren is shut away in an asylum, accused of madness and of murders she didn’t commit. When Rifter finally comes for her, it is not a moment too soon, and in her absence, Nevermor has changed. Under a cloud of mysterious darkness, the land has died.
At Rifter's request, Wren sets out across the broken world to gather the Wolf Pack, now separated, so that they might take back the land that is rightfully theirs. Out of love and trust, Wren agrees, but she finds out quickly that things are not all as they seem, and everyone has a different story to tell.
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Forsaken Dreamscape is the sequel to Nevermor. Taking place four years after the events, the reader gets to witness Wren returning to Nevemor to find that the world she once knew is corrupted and the Wolf Pack have separated. This book was an wonderful read much like the first book. I droved right in this and I wasn't disappointed. I loved how Lani allowed the wolf pack to become somewhat corrupted with the vast lands of Nevemor, they grew up into young adults like Wren. Each of them were darker, yet still maintained some of their 'child-like' mannerism. I fell in love with Nix even more than I did with the first book. The way he acts is in the middle of tragic and yet holds on to that crazy loyalty people don't see everyday. Rifter and others have changed as well, but I'm not going to spoil the good stuff for you all. However, I can say they changed in a twisted way in order to maintain the 'horror' elements within the novel.Wren in my opinion has changed in a semi-positive way. She still was too naïve and too 'innocent' to grasp the larger picture, but she somehow became the 'heart' of the group by attempting to bring her family back together and save their homeland. Hopefully in the last book, she will become stronger for everyone around her.
Overall, the concept of the story was fantastic. Each of the major characters were more developed as the story went on, and the plot kept on thicken yet still stuck into to the original concept of the "Peter Pan" ordeal. This story was a wonderful and I can't wait for the final book, Shadow Sun!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Booktube-a-Thon: End Results!
I know I'm posting these results a couple days late, but I finally got a job and I started work on Monday. (Happy birthday to me.. wahh). Any who, last week was the exciting booktube-a-thon. I managed to complete the reading challenges on the last day so yippie! Since I'm worn out from a ten hour shift, I'm just going give you all the books I've read during the week and the ratings I gave them on good reads. I wish I could give you more, but I have to work again tomorrow and prep some reviews for the rest of the week. (-sweatdrops-) So let's get started!
For the first challenge we had to "Read a book with blue on the cover", I went with The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan. It was fast paced and I gave it a 5/5 stars because it was good read and start to booktube-a-thon.
The second challenge was to "Read a book by an author who shares the same letter as your last name" and I went with The Murder Complex by Lindsey Cummings since my last name is Cooley. This was really short and action packed. I gave it a 4.2/5 star rating.
Third challenge was to "read someone else's favorite book" and I ended up not liking A Kiss of Shadows by Laurel K. Hamilton. So instead I read Fairest by Marissa Meyers because I saw that a lot of people on booktube enjoy the Lunar Chronicles like I do so I figured why not. I gave this one a 4.5/5 stars.
Challenge number four was to "Read the last book you acquired". I picked up Forsaken Dreamscape by Lani Lenore, which was the sequel to Nevermor. I absolutely loved this book much like the first one so I gave it a 5/5 stars.
Number five was to "Finish a book without letting it go" and I picked Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas. I know I'm nuts for picking it, but it was so, so, so good! 5/5 starts!
Sixth challenge was to "Read a book you really want to read." and that book was The Retrubtion of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. I loved the trilogy and this book was beautifully written in my eyes. 5/5 stars.
Finally, the last challenge was to 'read seven books'. My 7th book was A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. I love this book and I really look forward to the sequel. 5/5 stars.
Okay, so that was my booktube-a-thon results even though this was a couple of days late. I really enjoyed doing and I can't for next year. Happy Howling!
For the first challenge we had to "Read a book with blue on the cover", I went with The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan. It was fast paced and I gave it a 5/5 stars because it was good read and start to booktube-a-thon.
The second challenge was to "Read a book by an author who shares the same letter as your last name" and I went with The Murder Complex by Lindsey Cummings since my last name is Cooley. This was really short and action packed. I gave it a 4.2/5 star rating.
Third challenge was to "read someone else's favorite book" and I ended up not liking A Kiss of Shadows by Laurel K. Hamilton. So instead I read Fairest by Marissa Meyers because I saw that a lot of people on booktube enjoy the Lunar Chronicles like I do so I figured why not. I gave this one a 4.5/5 stars.
Challenge number four was to "Read the last book you acquired". I picked up Forsaken Dreamscape by Lani Lenore, which was the sequel to Nevermor. I absolutely loved this book much like the first one so I gave it a 5/5 stars.
Number five was to "Finish a book without letting it go" and I picked Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas. I know I'm nuts for picking it, but it was so, so, so good! 5/5 starts!
Sixth challenge was to "Read a book you really want to read." and that book was The Retrubtion of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. I loved the trilogy and this book was beautifully written in my eyes. 5/5 stars.
Finally, the last challenge was to 'read seven books'. My 7th book was A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. I love this book and I really look forward to the sequel. 5/5 stars.
Okay, so that was my booktube-a-thon results even though this was a couple of days late. I really enjoyed doing and I can't for next year. Happy Howling!
Monday, August 10, 2015
Of Romantic Italians and Time Rivers
It's my birthday! Woo I'm feeling 22.. (plays Taylor Swift's song lol). So today I turn twenty two and to celebrate I decided to blog or simply praise the writing spirits about this amazing trilogy I found a while ago and still re-read like it was the Harry Potter series. So here it is everyone!
The HourGlass Door/The Golden Spiral/The Forgotten Locket
Series: Hourglass Door #1-3
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
Publication dates: May 13th, 2009/May 10th, 2010/May 30th, 2011
Format of Book(s): Paperback/Hardcover/Paperback
This trilogy changed me like you wouldn't believe. I mean, a lot you probably get what I'm saying if you're a avid reader, but this trilogy was my god's send since the end of my high school career. I can't even say that Twilight or Harry Potter involved my love for reading because that would be a big bullshit-er of a lie. This trilogy holds my heart with a chain and I'm glad it does till this day. The story back in '09 was compare to the Twilight series, but it's not that series. This trilogy is about the timelines, Leonardo da Vinci's most powerful invention- the time machine. The prolonging love between Dante and Beatrice in a modern twist, and the concept of romance, fantasy, and somewhat historical content.
Every time I glance at the three books on my shelves, the memories of this beautifully written trilogy comes back to me and I just grin every chance I get. I mean, sure there's similar stuff to the twilight series, but unlike Bella, at least Abby gets up to fight instead of giving everyone the awkward duck face. Dante Alexander is one of my favorite male characters of all time, he's so sweet and caring, yet harbors in the secrets of his past and the infinite realms from the river.
I hate how this is one of the most underrated books out there in the book community. It deserves so much respect and readers that can enjoy a good adventure/romance with interesting characters. If anyone finds this trilogy, I highly suggest you read it. It may not be for everyone, but its a great read that will get you wrapped into the words and the world within the content. I hope you all have a wonderful day and see you next time. Happy Howling.
Every time I glance at the three books on my shelves, the memories of this beautifully written trilogy comes back to me and I just grin every chance I get. I mean, sure there's similar stuff to the twilight series, but unlike Bella, at least Abby gets up to fight instead of giving everyone the awkward duck face. Dante Alexander is one of my favorite male characters of all time, he's so sweet and caring, yet harbors in the secrets of his past and the infinite realms from the river.
I hate how this is one of the most underrated books out there in the book community. It deserves so much respect and readers that can enjoy a good adventure/romance with interesting characters. If anyone finds this trilogy, I highly suggest you read it. It may not be for everyone, but its a great read that will get you wrapped into the words and the world within the content. I hope you all have a wonderful day and see you next time. Happy Howling.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Booktube-a-Thon Day Three
Progress Report time! I know that I haven't done the twitter sprints or the video/twitter challenges with you all, but rest assure I'm reading. I just have been busy dealing with personal stuff this past few days. So without further a do, let's get down to business.
Books/Challenges completed:
~The Titan's Curse (Blue on the cover challenge)
~The Murder Complex (Author with the same letter as your last name challenge)
~The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Book I really want to read challenge)
~A Court of Thorns & Roses (The seventh book challenge)
Books/Challenges in progress:
~Forsaken Dreamscape: On chapter twelve (Read the book you last acquired)
~A Kiss of Shadows: On chapter ten (Read someone else's favorite book)
~Heir of Fire: Didn't start the challenge yet (Read a book without letting it go)
Books/Challenges completed:
~The Titan's Curse (Blue on the cover challenge)
~The Murder Complex (Author with the same letter as your last name challenge)
~The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Book I really want to read challenge)
~A Court of Thorns & Roses (The seventh book challenge)
Books/Challenges in progress:
~Forsaken Dreamscape: On chapter twelve (Read the book you last acquired)
~A Kiss of Shadows: On chapter ten (Read someone else's favorite book)
~Heir of Fire: Didn't start the challenge yet (Read a book without letting it go)
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Booktube-a-Thon Day Two!
Hello my wolves in writing, welcome to day two of the Booktube-a-Thon! How are you guys doing in your reading so far? Today is another status report for you all and let's get going on it. Also, I forgot to mention that I switched City of Bones with another story because I misunderstood the challenge for it, but now that's all settle and everything.
Since the last report, I've managed to complete another challenge. And also I got somewhat farther than I thought in some of the books considering I had to help my mom clean our basement for a while, that my little sis wanted to play smash brothers. I haven't started the challenge with the one that forces to not let go of the book yet because I wanted to get some of the other books out of the way, so I'm a little nervous about if I'm going to manage to read all seven books by the ninth. x-x So yeah, here's my progress report, happy howling folks.
Challenges completed:
Since the last report, I've managed to complete another challenge. And also I got somewhat farther than I thought in some of the books considering I had to help my mom clean our basement for a while, that my little sis wanted to play smash brothers. I haven't started the challenge with the one that forces to not let go of the book yet because I wanted to get some of the other books out of the way, so I'm a little nervous about if I'm going to manage to read all seven books by the ninth. x-x So yeah, here's my progress report, happy howling folks.
Challenges completed:
~Read a book with blue on the cover (The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan)
~Read a book by an author who shares the same first letter of your last name (The Murder Complex by Lindsey Cummings
In Progress:
~A Court of Thorns & Roses: On chapter 30 (Challenge: Read seven books)
~A Kiss of Shadows: On Chapter Ten (Challenge: Read someone else's favorite book)
~The Retribution of Mara Dyer: Completed (Challenge was to read the book I really wanted to read)
~Forsaken Dreamscape: Have not started the book/challenge yet. (Challenge is to read the book that you last acquired)
~Heir of Fire: Still on page 26 from the non existing days of booktube-a-thon. The challenge I'm doing with this book hasn't start yet for myself. (Challenge: Finish a book without letting go)
Monday, August 3, 2015
Booktube-a-thon Day one!
Good evening world, welcome to booktube-a-thon! Today's post is going to be an progress on the reading thus far so it will be short. lol If you guys didn't already check the links out, the links for the booktube-a-thon twitter, youtube, book depository and instagram will be down below. Take part of the crazy challenges and enjoy reading to your heart's content. Happy Howling!!
Status Report #1: Time 11:45pm
Titan's Curse: Completed! (Challenge for the blue cover in the book, on my nook)
Murder Complex: Completed! (Challenge for the first letter of last name, on my nook)
A Kiss of Shadows: Currently on Chapter 5 (Challenge for to read someone's favorite book/author, on my nook)
The Retribution of Mara Dyer: Currently on Chapter 17 (Challenge for a book I really wanted to read, on my nook)
Heir of Fire: Currently on page 26 (Challenge for not letting the book go, didn't start the challenge yet)
A Court of Thorns & Roses: Currently on page 34 (The Seventh book)
Instagram: https://instagram.com/booktubeathon/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookTubeAThon
Book Depository: http://m.bookdepository.com/BookTubeAThon/?a_aid=ArielBissett
You tube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BookTubeAThon
Status Report #1: Time 11:45pm
Titan's Curse: Completed! (Challenge for the blue cover in the book, on my nook)
Murder Complex: Completed! (Challenge for the first letter of last name, on my nook)
A Kiss of Shadows: Currently on Chapter 5 (Challenge for to read someone's favorite book/author, on my nook)
The Retribution of Mara Dyer: Currently on Chapter 17 (Challenge for a book I really wanted to read, on my nook)
Heir of Fire: Currently on page 26 (Challenge for not letting the book go, didn't start the challenge yet)
A Court of Thorns & Roses: Currently on page 34 (The Seventh book)
Instagram: https://instagram.com/booktubeathon/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookTubeAThon
Book Depository: http://m.bookdepository.com/BookTubeAThon/?a_aid=ArielBissett
You tube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BookTubeAThon
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Good afternoon people of the reading world! I know I don't normally post this blog on Sundays, but today I'm coming to you about the worldly event that is Booktube-a-thon! This event is hosted by booktuber Ariel Bissett and a bunch of other booktubers to encourage people to read! I will post the links below for you guys to follow if you want to take part of this event. There are many challenges and giveaways during this coming week (8/3/15-8/9/15) as well, but I think you have to create videos do enter them. Just make sure to watch the videos to understand the event. I'm can't record videos this year, but I'll be posting on here for the whole week about how things are going on my end and I hope to hear from you all as well! So about those challenges? Let's discuss them ;P.
There are seven challenges for this year's event that can be combined, and you have to match them with seven books in total.
1. Read a book with blue on the cover
For my choice I'm picking:
There are seven challenges for this year's event that can be combined, and you have to match them with seven books in total.
1. Read a book with blue on the cover
For my choice I'm picking:
Mainly because I'm late on the Percy Jackson Series train and I have it on my nook.
2. Read a book by author who shares the same first letter as your last name.
This choice was very difficult for me because I don't own a lot of books that have the same letter of my last name other than Cassandra Clare. So I had to go with this one for the challenge. :P It's going to be a re-read, but whatever right? I need to buy more books..
3. Read someone else's favorite book
My older sis is a huge fan of Laurell K. Hamilton so I decided to read this book on my nook. It's about faes so I figured why not.
4. Finish a book without letting go of it.
I'm probably going to be a idiot for picking out a heavy book, but I wanna read it.. So tada?
5. Read the last book you acquired
Gotta continue my new favorite trilogy :P
6. Read a book you really want to read
I got it for my nook so I've been dying to read it since I started the trilogy. I love the story so much, so yay!
And finally 7. Read Seven books
The final touch to my collection :P
So that's it. Tell me if you're gonna be a part of this event and I wish you the best of luck. Happy Howling!
Links for the event:
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