How's life been for you guys?! I'm so (1000+) sorry for not updating as much I should, but things gotten odd and busy since the last time I wrote to you all. Since my last post which was around late July (wow so a month, damn!), I've been doing odd things yet again, but it was mostly getting ready for school and work. But luckily, I can tell you guys even more weird stuff that occurred in my life. Let's get started my fellow wolves!
First things first, I'm finally 21 as of August 10th! In all truth here, being twenty one is still feels like you're a kid, but instead even more 'adult' responsibilities are handed to ya (which sucks). Yeah its fun to feel like an adult, people of age are pretty much still at risk for getting into some deep shit, but instead of getting the easy way out, you're shit out of luck.
Second, I went to my first ever concert with my buddy aka best friend in the city right before school began, do you wanna guess who we saw??. (Pictures are blurry, fair warning)
You guessed it...

LINKIN PARK!!! (30 seconds to Mars and AFI)... We were close to the stage when Linkin park was performing, but I couldn't get pictures of them performing, so the screen was a giant help. Linkin Park is a huge favorite of mine and I consider Chester and Mike to be heroes in my heart through their music. They help me get through some tough shit and the ideas I get for certain stories from these songs are simply amazing (in my head oh course hehe). I hope you guys will have the chance to enjoy their voices because they don't disappoint in person. It was breath taking.
Alright enough about that, so the third thing I will like to point out: prompt writing is awesome. Now let me explain why I state this. Once a upon a time, I hated prompts mainly because of the way my mind worked when it came to writing in the past, but ever since I found some interesting ones to try out, I grew to enjoy them and it actually helps with the focus to actually write something down for future writing time, even if it is short or a pain to come up with a quick idea for it.
Lastly, I'm back in school. This time however, I'm a senior and almost able to touch the bachelor's degree with my bare hands. It's just so weird to think that I'm going to have this particular and the first one in my family to obtain it, especially if you're a weirdo like I am.. I mean, regardless of almost getting this degree, I'm still at odds with the classes I'm taking as an English Major. I rather take writing classes to benefit my writing for you guys, but at the same time-- I do like to read and learn about the histories of writers from all over the world. It's amazing how some of them were the shy ones like we are and somehow, they made history. I can't wait to be a part of that history, so we must learn everything for knowledge right?! :)
In conclusion, things in this writer's life is still odd, but I will try to update more for you guys about my actual writing and reviews. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your summer/winter (in other countries) and good luck in your studies. :)
Happy Howling my fellow wolves!<3
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