Hey guys, well today at midnight is the end of week one for the NaNoWriMo. Since this post is mainly about an update and some quotes, I figured we should get right down to it right? So, how are things going for you all? Are you reaching today's goal or just writing for fun without a focus on the word count like I am? :) On my end, I'm meeting the goal, but at the same time, I'm taking my time because real life and laziness. So far, I'm about to reach 11,000 with my bucket list, but I have a fan-fic project taking over the bucket's manuscript and you don't have much control over it whenever the story pops right into your head. But, other than that silliness, things are decent.
Now onto the main focus of week one, writing quotes. We all get into those horrible ruts that deepens our depression and lowers our confidence levels by let's say 50% of the time. When we don't have that special motivation, sometime we look to other things that would boost ourselves to our fullest to keep on going with our writing. So, today to motivate you lovely writers, I'm going to present ten writing related quotes I found on good reads and hopefully you'll enjoy them to the fullest. :) Happy Howling fellow writers!
1. No one can tell your story so tell it yourself. No one can write your story so write it yourself.
2. Forget all the rules. Forget about being published. Write for yourself and celebrate writing." -Melinda Haynes
3. Writing is a struggle against silence
4. Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works." -Virginia Woolf
5. Be courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little. -Holley Gerth
6. As a writer, you ask yourself to dream while awake." Aimme Bender
7. The secret of becoming a writer is to write, write, and keep on writing.- Ken MacLeod
8. Writing is the painting of the voice!- Voltaire
9. Your biggest problem is yourself. Getting out of the way and letting your imagination take over is the best way. Jerry Cleaver
10. There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter--and bleed. -Ernest Hemingway
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