(In no particular order)
1.) After the Woods by Kim Savage: As I looked at the summary on good reads, I'm growing more interested by the second, the premise seems to be a thriller theme with a dash of paranormal. Since these sort of books are up my alley in the reading department, I may snag a copy when it comes out. And look at this cover, mysterious right?

2.) Underwater by Marisa Reichardit: Like After the Woods, this book's premise caught my eye. However, since I don't read a lot of contemporary novels, I think this will be a risk taker on my part into that genre. Personally, I think it's gonna make me shiver and cry a little on how relatable this character sounds to a introverted person like myself.

3. Sword and Verse by Kathy MacMillan: I've been seeing popping up on blogger's twitter accounts and blogs lately, and my gut is telling me that this is going to be the fantasy of the year when it's officially released. But, only time is

4. The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie: Just the title makes this book sound and look fantastic as all hell. Plus the premise on good reads sounds pretty bad ass.

5. Ivory and Bone by Julie Eshabaugh: I am in complete and utter awe for this author because I've been waiting for her to make a debut with a book since she became a contributor in the 'Let the words flow/(Pub)crawling' blogs back in I want to say 2011? The premise of this book sounds fantastic and I'm gonna pick this up when it releases. I'm so proud of her for kicking ass and making a name in the publishing world!

6. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton: The idea of this story sounds interesting to me, plus its nice to read books with diversity in it. :)

7.) Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst: This book sounds like a heartbreak waiting to happen, especially with the princess falling in lover with another. But, what I like is the twist within the romance and how the premise from good reads doesn't tell you much about it. Hopefully it turns out pretty cool in the end.
8.) Dreamology by Lucy Keating: Every girl needs a romance in her life and this sounds like my perfect romance story of the year. This is the first time hearing about this book and already, I'm craving it from what I saw on good reads.

9.) A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess: This books is apparently about magic and I do enjoy seeing magic in books. Haha.
and finally...
10.) Daybreak Rising by C.K Oliver: This is like number nine on my list, but I feel as so it's gonna be a little darker than A Shadow Bright and Burning. Though more or less, this sounds like a kick ass book as well.
Okay, so these books are my most anticipated of 2016 in terms of debut novels being released. What are you looking for reading next year? Let me in the comments below or on twitter(@xthewolfwriterx) and I'll be back tomorrow with a book review. Happy Howling!
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