Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tometopple read-a-thon

Hey guys! Today's blog post is going to be about a read-a-thon I found within the booktube community and that is the 'Tometopple' challenge. It's a two week read-a-thon created by Sam over at ThoughtsonTomes on you tube and it's all about reading large books. (500+ pages). After recently buying a few books with over five hundred pages, I decided to take part of it because why the hell not right? I'll leave the video ThoughtsonTomes created down below, but for those that don't want to watch it, I'll explain the rules she set up for you guys down below and also explain my TBR pile for this read-a-thon. (Though you may want to watch it because she's also hosting a giveaway too and she's a pretty awesome book tuber!) *hint, hint* ;) Also, best of luck to you in your reading my fellow wolves!

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~(The Rules)~

So the challenges for this read-a-thon are really simple and easy to follow. There's no winning or losing, the readathon is suppose to enjoy the large books you read or jump start one if you are afraid to read larger books that are 500+ pages long. It's time span is two weeks from June 5th at midnight (in any part of the world) to June 19th at 11:59pm (In any part of the world). :)

~(The Challenges)~

1. Read more than one tome (500+ pages)
2. Take a graphic novel break (doesn't need to be over 500 pages!)
3. Read a tome that is part of a series
4. Read over 500 pages in one week
5. Read an adult novel

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~(TBR Pile)~


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