Happy August everyone. It's me, well the odd-ball that hasn't post a jack load of stuff since what the beginning of July? Well damn it all, I do apologize. However, I figured it was time to tell you all why I haven't been around. If you all have read my previous posts or the small sentences of me moving and work, well that is completely true. I've begun the moving process with the boyfriend and it's a very, very slow process. Let me explain it to you all in some shape or form.
After almost exactly two months since the boyfriend officially moved to my hometown, he finally landed a full time job. (Woo!) He's been searching and searching until a couple of weeks ago my uncle somehow presented my boyfriend with a opportunity and he grabbed it with force. He landed the job two days later, which was awesome yet ehh at the same time. The main reason I say that is I'm now the one with two jobs and with little to no time for us to clean and pack up for this house. (Yes two jobs..) I nabbed a second job, so as a result to it, I have no free time other than when I have a complete day off from both jobs. The second one is a Halloween season job so I can live with it, but its a struggle to keep at it when the other job is my number 1 priority.
Another reason why things are slow is due to the moving process. We literally gotten the electric turned on a few days ago and with the sudden heat waves of death, we barely did anything to clean up the house we are going to be living it. I wanted us there by the beginning or end of this month, but shit happens.
And finally, the real reason. I've been in a horrible slump. I've been somewhat reading, somewhat writing, and so forth. However, I just never had the motivation to keep notes to review the books up until now. I'm going to making a goal to actually keep up with being a writer and reviewer of books for you all and that's a pinky promise and hope to die cross. So I do hope that you'll stick around when I can give you more content in this journey. But, until then keep strong and howl my fellow wolves. I'll be back soon!
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