Monday, June 23, 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo

Hey everyone, how are things? I apologize for not posting in over a week, but after finally landing a job I needed to get things figured out. Since the last time I have posted, I had worked in Dunkin' Donuts where I live, however after dealing with the morning rush over there- I froze and went to another job as of yesterday evening. As much I was grateful for the job, I couldn't do it, but now I'm working at a movie theater in my hometown and let me tell you something, I love it so far. Yeah I know it's only the first few days, but I felt like I was cloud nine over there. It's a really cool job so far and I can't wait go back there this week. :) And considering that most of my hours over there are in the late afternoon, I have time to interact with you guys on here and do some writing!

Speaking of writing, let's talk about the latest event that's approaching very quickly-- Camp NaNoWriMo. This particular event is a sub event for the actual NaNoWriMo that takes place in November. Camp NaNoWriMo takes place in two different months, April and July. Now I know a lot of you are writers so you guys do know what it is, but I'll explain for those who don't understand it. :)

Camp NaNoWriMo is a free event where you reach a word goal on your current story project, whether is a first draft or a revision of your special story project, or even a sequel to a trilogy/series. The normal word count you have to reach by the end of the month is 50,000, but experienced writers can go beyond that if they wish too. It's very similar to the NaNoWriMo and the pre NaNo that takes place in October. You get to meet fellow writers and create daily word goals for yourself to improve your writing. Even though you don't particularly win anything, this event helps writers during the summer to become stronger in what they wanna do in life. I love these events because it helps me figure out what story needs to be done, how to understand the concept of deadlines and stress, and the concept of having fun with your story. I'm gonna give it another whirl with a project I've been planning since I got home from college, so I hope you guys are gonna give it a try with your story as well. I'll post my updates on and I'll love to hear from you guys and your progress as well!

Here's my profile, you have a account, feel free to add me!:

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