Saturday, November 14, 2015

NaNoWriMo Week Two

Hey guys, so I apologize for not committing to the twitter sprints. I had work during the times I wanted to do them so I couldn't really get to a computer without passing out. So as a result to it, I'm not gonna do the sprints this year, but next year for Camp NaNoWrimo in April for you all. :) Now on to the next activity, week two. This week, I barely made the word count for the past few days. Throughout this week, I had to work odd shifts at work and the motivation to write was crashing down so hard since all I wanted to do was watch Arrow.

However, after tonight, I'll be caught up and reading like a speed demon for reviews, I just hope you all can forgive me and join me in April for twitter related fun and what not. Any who, what was planned for this week was me listing down some (hopefully) helpful writing tools that helps us get through the day of writing like a fiend. So today I'm going to list ten tools I like to use to get me writing and maybe inspire you guys the stuff you like to use while writing. :)

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1. Laptop/computers: That one is pretty oblivious right? The laptop are the godsend objects that allow to hide away our drafts in a locked and key location. To help gather information for our lovely projects, and to watch Netflix when bored.

2. Scrivener and Microsoft word: Now I'm still getting use to scrivener, but Microsoft word has been a godsend to use. It helps me write my manuscripts in private, and there's so much to learn about the program while editing the shit out of the drafts too.

3. Notebooks, Pens/Pencils, binders (etc): These older tools are still legendary to us writers, but yet we still use them for private journals, school, just about everything we can muster. It helps us keep organize and enjoy ourselves in the daydreaming world.

4. Food/Books: People gotta eat, have snacks, have a few drinks to get the heat going in their systems. Plus, books are a huge ass help to feel motivated and get tips on how to grow as a better writer too.

5. Comfy clothes: If a writer is comfy, the writer is happy. If the writer are wearing stuff that involves going into reality to do adult things, then we are not happy at all.

6. Comfort drinks: Many of us like coffee and liquor. I'm on the liquor department, but after drinking ice tea, water, hot chocolate, the energy just keeps on going haha.

7. Music/head phones: Let's use the time wrap again! Music is the best thing in the entire world.

8. Blankets/pillows: To keep our bodies warm when we don't want to move from the bed or couches.

9. Pets: The comfort of animals is a wonderful thing when you're dealing with stress. Animals have a weird ability to know when someone is need to be relax while they work. My dog helps me whenever I'm alone and she sits with me like right now as I type this for ya.

10. Family/friends: We all need a party of people that jumpstart our fan base. They are there when you cheer, cry, vent too when stress. They know how you act and feel and support you even when they tease you about hiding in a cave for days just to write.

So that was my list, what's your list of tools when writing the big stuff? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see you on Monday, happy howling!

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